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Daniel Tayler.
Media Studies.
Mrs Downie
Mr Ford

Tuesday 7 October 2014


5x5 TV Programs

5X5 - Magazines

5x5 - Magazines

The IT Crowd -

The IT Crowd is a sitcom. As a viewer of the program we know this as it follow all the codes and conventions of a standard sitcom. The very first convention of any standard sitcom, is setting. In the first episode of The IT Crowd which we watched during the media lesson there were only four different settings in the entire program. In turn this enables viewers to become familiar with these different settings. Which will make them feel a somewhat connection to the sitcom, meaning they will likely become a regular viewer of the program.

The second convention would be humour. Any classic sitcom will include humour. In the IT crowd humour is shown through the setting of their workplace, which is the basement. In the program the basement was comically shown as the worst place to work in the entire office building. Instead of saying 'Doors Open', the lift simply said 'Get out'! The basement was very dirty and messy. The basement also implied that the workers were nerdy and geeky.  This is shown through comics and old retro computers.

Comedy is shown throughout the entire episode. With simple comedic effects such as the repetition of a joke or a certain moment to create an effect. A staple to any classic sitcom is 'canned laughter' which is put into the program during editing. It is placed after every joke. This is to alert the viewers that the sitcom is a comedy.