Welcome to my Media Blog!

Daniel Tayler.
Media Studies.
Mrs Downie
Mr Ford

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Comparing Bad Education and Miranda

Who commissioned the programme?
- BBC3 commissioned Bad education
- BBC2 commissioned Miranda
Who produced them?
- Bad Education is produced by Tiger aspect productions and Pippa Brown and Ben Cavey
- Miranda is produced by Jo Sargent, Nerys Evans, and Emma Strain
What audience are they aimed at and why?
-ff Bad Education’s audience is teenagers and young adults
-Miranda’s audience is middle aged people
Why are they on at that particular time?
- Bad Education was on at 10:00 on a Tuesday
-Miranda is on at 8:30 on a Wednesday
Are they on after the watershed, why?
-Bad Education is on after the watershed because the jokes and references made on the programme are deemed inappropriate for the programme to be shown before 9 o’clock

-Miranda is not on after the watershed as the jokes and references made on the programme are not deemed inappropriate enough for the programme to be shown after 9 o’clock

Tuesday 7 October 2014


5x5 TV Programs

5X5 - Magazines

5x5 - Magazines

The IT Crowd -

The IT Crowd is a sitcom. As a viewer of the program we know this as it follow all the codes and conventions of a standard sitcom. The very first convention of any standard sitcom, is setting. In the first episode of The IT Crowd which we watched during the media lesson there were only four different settings in the entire program. In turn this enables viewers to become familiar with these different settings. Which will make them feel a somewhat connection to the sitcom, meaning they will likely become a regular viewer of the program.

The second convention would be humour. Any classic sitcom will include humour. In the IT crowd humour is shown through the setting of their workplace, which is the basement. In the program the basement was comically shown as the worst place to work in the entire office building. Instead of saying 'Doors Open', the lift simply said 'Get out'! The basement was very dirty and messy. The basement also implied that the workers were nerdy and geeky.  This is shown through comics and old retro computers.

Comedy is shown throughout the entire episode. With simple comedic effects such as the repetition of a joke or a certain moment to create an effect. A staple to any classic sitcom is 'canned laughter' which is put into the program during editing. It is placed after every joke. This is to alert the viewers that the sitcom is a comedy.

Friday 19 September 2014

Film Poster -

Earlier in year 10, we did a Film Poster project. We evaluated other film posters then had to create our own based on the genre of Action/Adventure with the target audience of teens/young adults. I put in a sci-fi element into my movie.

My colour scheme included primary and secondary colours. I used cool colours such as blues and dark purples. I contrasted these colours with warm reds. One of my many acquaintances Lucy Rowe asked to be the main image for my movie poster.

My poster changed dramatically through the design process.
I chose the blues and purples because I feel that they connect well with my movie. These are rich, vivid colours that you are not likely to see every day. Which is very fitting considering my move does have sci-fi element. I believe the blue hints at loneliness and sadness, which is a key theme in my movie, but the purple, represents adventure. I chose the font because I felt it made my title effective. I felt it helped make the '2060' even snappier. I put my credits at the bottom of my poster. This is because after some research it became apparent that most posters had all their credits tucked away at the bottom. I chose space as my background because it conveys my given genre adventure. You cannot get much more adventurous than space! That is why I decided to base my movie in space. The main image is of Lucy Rowe. I edited this on Adobe Photoshop. I cut out her body from the original image I took with the camera. I then added some effects to make her a little transparent and to add an unnatural colour to her. I believe the audience will be able to tell from the main image that the film is aimed at teens. Like many of the films this year, the main characters have been women. Such as 'The Hunger Games' and 'Divergent'. So I decided to make my main image female too.

I believe that the strengths of my poster would be the amount of editing that I actually did on my

Tuesday 9 September 2014

The Fleet Magazine and Evaluation -

How effective was your research into similar magazines and relevant target audiences?

I believe that the research I conducted was very effective; it gave me a clear perspective of what I should and what I shouldn't include in the particular genre. By looking at examples of alternative music magazines online, I had a clear view of what type of fonts are acceptable to use, main images, sub text, anchorage text and the content inside. My research into other target audiences was also extremely effective. This was because it informed me about the type of content that a select audience would like to read. My target audience was females between the ages of 16 and 23. However because the genre of my magazine was alternate music, I had to think carefully about what to include in my magazine. Incorporating elements from the main features of what general female readers would like and what the select group of female readers would like. This is why I used an attractive singer on the front cover which many women will aspire to be like, but also to keep my magazine original and creative in design.

What did you learn from your research into these two areas? In what ways did this shape the creation of your magazine?

From doing research into similar magazines and relevant target audience, I personally felt that I learnt a considerable amount of information about how different groups of people like to have different content in magazines. My age group is considered young in the magazine industry. I included a minimalist design and a monotone colour scheme. I did this to attract in my main target audience, Who would be drawn into a magazine that will look a little different from many other magazines. Lana Del Rey is on the front cover of my magazine as she is very influential in the alternate music industry and many people have heard of her. She is also a role model for many young women. My contents page is based off a issue of NME that I read and I put in my monotone theme.

What creative decisions did you have to make at the different stages of your magazine production?

Initially I made many changes, especially throughout the drafting process. To begin with I had to make a choice of what colour schemes that I wanted to use throughout my magazine. This is obviously a paramount step in terms of what my magazine would look like as a finished object. I kept on switching between different colour schemes until I finally decided that I wanted a monotone colour scheme. Then I had to decide who I wanted on my front cover. I immediately knew that I wanted Lana Del Rey as I already knew a lot about her particular style and I love her laid back sixties style. I then had to decide on the title for my magazine. Originally I had planned to have my title as 'Atlantic' but then later changed it to 'The Fleet'. I feel that 'The Fleet' was very memorable. My title is plain and effective. In a simple Cocoose font and it is colour is in black. 

How did your magazine change as your work progressed?

My magazine has changed a lot throughout the process of designing my magazine. To begin with like I said in my last paragraph, I changed my title. I also changed my cover page considerably. I originally wanted a conventional magazine cover, but then changed it, to the more alternate one that I have today. I feel that my magazine looks quite professional but I feel I could make many changes to make it look overall a lot better.

How successful is your finished magazine?

I feel generally my magazine is good. There are many aspects of my magazine that I feel very content with. Such as my cover page. I really like the simplistic yet effective design. I also am very happy with the way my contents page turned out. It is my favorite part of my magazine. However I really am not fully satisfied with my double page spread. Personally I feel like I rushed it too much and didn't put as much effort into it as I did with the rest of my magazine. 

Do you think your magazine has a place in the marketplace? 

I feel like I could stumble across this magazine in a independent record shop or something like that. I feel like my magazine is not fully developed or professional enough to have a chance in the competitive market in the marketplace! However, I honestly feel that I could produce a magazine that would possibly stand a chance in the marketplace.